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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weekend Open Forum: What's the oldest part in your PC?

Although most of us upgrade our systems regularly, it's generally uncommon to replace every single component -- even for a fresh build. Instead, parts less crucial to daily performance such as optical drives, bulk storage, cases or even power supplies are recycled over the years, serving tours through several hardware generations. Likewise with peripherals, which often remain deployed until they're busted or totally obsolete.This week, we want to hear about the parts of your PC that have been on duty for the longest period. On my end, I think the Thermaltake Tai Chi chassis is the oldest component still in use (it's also my most regretted tech purchase), having been bought in 2005. As close second and third place picks, I recently removed a decade old 40GB Maxtor hard drive and a floppy drive from my system, though they weren't actually being used.

Source:Tech Spot
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